Armada/Energon 'Best Of' Scanfest
Armada #3, written by Chris Sarracini, pencils by James Raiz, backgrounds by Edwin Garcia, inks by Rob Armstrong and Erik Sander, colours by Alan Wang and Ramil Sunga, graphic design by Paul Villauerte, edits by Matt Moylan, letters by Dreamer Design, and pre-press by Kell-O-Graphics.

The cover to issue #3, added because we really like the colouring job on it. Way to go, Alan. :D

It's kind of sad that the ultimate Megatron crotch-shot happens so early on in the series. Seriously, is he pretending that he's in some kind of underwear ad with a bondage motif?
Also, the line is 'only time will tell', not 'only fate will tell'. Don't know why that annoys me so much, it just does.

Hey, that's our Bali headquarters! Or the home of a jungle Hobbit.

Is there anything funnier than an angry Minicon? Except an angry Minicon covered in pudding, I mean.