Armada/Energon 'Best Of' Scanfest
Armada #6, written by Simon Furman, pencils by Pat Lee, inks by Rob Armstrong, colours by Epsen Grundet Jern, Felipe Smith, Trang Dang, Mike Majestic, Gary Yeung, and Rob Ruffolo, graphic design by Kevin Lee, letters by Dreamer Design, and pre-press by Kell-O-Graphics.

... Why do I suddenly feel the need for the touch of a man? Seventies romance novel covers were more subtle than this!

The context: Megatron wants Leader-1 to give him all he's got.
Look, it's lousy Dreamwave art. I have nothing better to do than point at Megatron's crotch and make slash jokes. I'm telling the truth about the context, though.

"But don't think I'll just sit back and let you have all the Minicon cake!" is officially the dumbest line Furman has ever written. For shame!