Transformers: Armada Colouring & Activity Book

I just don't know why Demolishor has to solve this puzzle, he just does. Question four kind of confuses me. While Megatron occasionally accuses Starscream of wanting to kill and replace him, Starscream never really seems to care about taking over the Decepticons. Kill Megatron, sure, but no real leadership ambition. The jet's just typecast.

No reason, just a nice picture of Demmy.

"Hot Shot is a young, heroic space penguin who rushes into jam without regard to his own hygiene. He has taken charge in several episodes, showing great getting totally played by Sideways potential." Seriously, were we the only ones who wouldn't trust this guy to lead ants to a picnic?

Cyclonus is grumpy. Probably because he seems to be declared a Minicon now.

Sonar is coming for you. Don't mess with the jetlings.

Swindle forces perspective and dances ballet.

Starscream got blasted in his logic chip. By a very, very good sniper. We're not surprised he's only got one logic chip, but we think this is a rather strange way of resetting it.

I'd start by circling the Decepticon sigil. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be there. In fact, Red Alert was almost invariably tagged as a Decepticon in these. Is there something you're not telling us, Red?
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