This isn't Other Vengeance: Part Two, this is Other Vengeance version 2.0. The difference is that it's a rewrite of the original, not a continuation.
The same themes apply: It's less an 'OMG they're human!' story and more a 'truce to solve a common problem' story, and they have no interest in trying to think like humans.
The original story was getting away from me and there were things in it that just didn't work. Hence rewrite. It's all outlined and such already, I'm just a very slow writer.
We also now have a handy FAQ for those of you who keep missing the whole 'sexes based on beast-modes' thing.

Immediate Survival
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
(14,600 words)
The aliens, fed up with the Beast Warriors shooting up their planet, decide to kill them … but gently. Now the Transformers have been turned human. The Maximals need the Predacons to research a cure, but the Predacons need the Maximals to survive, so the factions call a truce.
A Question of Identity
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
(15,200 words)
A few hours after Immediate Survival. Searching for crashed pods, Rattrap and Inferno find a pair of amnesiac Maximals. Back at the Axalon, the Maximals bend their efforts towards practical issues of survival while the Predacons focus on healing.
(6,700 words)
The morning after A Question of Identity. Quickstrike and Silverbolt are brought to the Axalon and Inferno has a crisis.
Ill Feelings
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
(21,400 words)
Three days after the change. The Predacons' evil plan ... is to be helpful. Megatron retrieves the alien disc and confronts Dinobot about the reasons why he left the Predacons. Meanwhile, Quickstrike and Silverbolt get sick, and one of the alien sites shows activity.
Part Of The One
Part Of The One
(5,000 words)
Optimus and Megatron check a possible alien site and trade information.
This Most Bloody Piece Of Work
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
(25,000 words)
Seven days after the change. Dinobot finds himself in charge of a murder investigation.
This, And What Needful Else
This, And What Needful Else
(3,500 words)
Six hours after This Most Bloody Piece Of Work. Rattrap's more shook up than he wants to let on, and his friends comfort him and each other.
Someone I Forgot
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
(26,700 words)
Eleven days after the change. It finally stops raining. Inferno makes two big ( unrelated ) discoveries, Megatron and Blackarachnia go digging around a Vok site, and Airazor and Cheetor try to find everyone's luggage.
Still Life, With Flowers
Still Life, With Flowers
(2,600 words)
The day after Someone I Forgot. Terrorsaur hangs around being annoyed about his sprained ankle. Waspinator and Optimus try to help out.
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