You Are Terrorsaur
"Mind if I borrow Swindle? I'm trying to overthrow Megatron."
Starscream considers that a moment. "All right. But have him back before dark."
"Beep!" says Swindle.
You transform to beast-mode, pick up the Minicon in your claws, and fly off to find your leader.
You find Megatron, drop Swindle, and land. "Megatron! I have a Minicon, and thus am now more powerful than you! Hand over leadership of the Predacons to me!"
Megatron looks from you to Swindle and back again. "In case you haven't realised this, Terrorsaur, but you are not from Armada. You can't powerlink with a Minicon."
"Erm ..."
Now what?
Have Swindle transform. Why not?
Or do something else.