You Are Terrorsaur  

"I'll take the potion," you say, remembering the Insecticomic wherein the mi-go tried to summon a monster and ended up with a fluffy owl. You figure there's less chance it can screw up a magic potion.

The mi-go does its magic thing and hands you a container of foaming liquid. Before you can think better of it, you drink it down.

When you regain awareness, you're in your own bed, it's the next morning, and you have a throbbing headache. You call out for Waspinator, then flinch at the noise.

After a moment, Waspinator comes into your room. You manage to sit up, cradling your head. "How did I get home?"

Waspinator shrugs. "Ant-bot dropped Terrorsaur off."

"Why ..?"

"Terror-bot was drunk out of his mind."

You groan and burrow back under the sheets to sleep off your hangover, vowing to yourself to never trust a mi-go again.

The End.


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