Ah, canon, without which we are not fans. A mix of generations, as Wayward has no attention span and loves everything.
Other Printed Media
The quick-list of Insecticon information, covering tech specs, voice actors, and cartoon and comic appearences.
Insecticons In The Comics
Scanned panels from Marvel, Marvel UK, and Dreamwave.
Obscure Comic Characters
Because Wayward loves them.
Final Darkness
Slog's collected bios.
I Fight, I Prevail, I Conquer
Thrust's collected bios.
On! Fire!
The Fallen's collected bios.
They don't have wings.
Cybertron Bios
The collected and compiled tech specs of everyone in Transformers: Cybertron.
Mostly Insecticons and Constructicons.
Beast Wars
Yes, mostly of Predacons. What? They got the bugs.
For no reason deeper than that we have the DVDs. Including the full NPC gallery!
Still fairly small.
Armada/Energon 'Best Of' Scanfest
Selected panels from the Dreamwave comics.
Armada/Energon Toy Comics
Scans of the comics that come with the toys.
Henkei Dinobot Toy Comic
It's in Japanese so we have no idea what's going on.
Find Your Fate
Gotta love choose-your-own-adventure books. We'll be posting these whenever we bother.
The Autobot Smasher!
It's an old colouring book. It is the best thing ever.
Insecticon Attack!
The most basic Insecticon plot ever, but with freaky illustrations.
The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson
Wheelie's origin story, unfettered by such things as 'cartoon canon' and 'logic'.
Transformers: Armada Colouring & Activity Book
Run mazes, unscramble words, laugh at typos.
Meet The Decepticons - 2007 Movie
Are you ready to meet the Decepticons? Because the Decepticons are ready to meet you.
Other Printed Media
Cards That Came With Toys
And some trading cards mixed in. Pretty much every generation.
Energon Valentines
Because nothing says 'love' like an alien warrior robot.
Sound File Archive
From any and all series that Wayward owns.

Transformers: Armada-Energon-Cybertron Font
Click the above link or picture, download the file, and unzip it to your Fonts folder. It was created mostly so you can do the current Transformers logo easily.

Transformers: Armada Font
Click the above link or picture, download the file, and unzip it to your Fonts folder. Mostly done to do the Armada logo, plus the Minicon sigil.

Cybertron Atlantis Glyphs Font
Click the above link or picture, download the file, and unzip it to your Fonts folder. It's sixteen letterforms plus the Atlantis Pattern.

Vok Disc Glyphs Font
Click the above link or picture, download the file, and unzip it to your Fonts folder. It's fifteen disc glyphs, plus a few others.
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