In the context of the Insecticomics, the characters are not toys, but actual Transformers. Just really small and living in a human's apartment. Unless they're in the suburbs of Pollyhex. The fact that they're mass-produced and sold as toys by humans doesn't bother them, and toy stores are an accepted way to increase the size of one's army. They also never question why there's characters from pretty much every generation running around, or how, say, Waspinator and Thrust exist simultaneously. Or why Vector Prime can teleport but he carries a rubber sword.
Basically, the whole thing doesn't make much sense and 'internal continuity' are words unknown.
The Insecticomics have ended but the archives will remain up for your wasting of time.

The Cast -
Insecticomics: Find Your Fate
Archives: Volume I - Volume II - Volume III - Volume IV - Volume V
Volume VI - Volume VII - Volume VIII - Volume IX

Archives: Volume I - Volume II - Volume III - Volume IV - Volume V
Volume VI - Volume VII - Volume VIII - Volume IX
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