Appeared in: Marvel UK #82, Target: 2006, part five
Fang is tall, dark, and covered in spikes. He likes puppies, long walks on the beach ... but not music. He hates music, especially show tunes. His usual target was the Harpsichord Guy from Maccadam's Old Oil House, but what he really hates are trumpets. C'mon, his right hand looks like a trumpet mute and ... oh, forget it. Just look at the pictures and be grateful you don't look like him.
Fangy don't allow no harpsichords in here ...
And a close-up so you can appreciate his uglitude.
And he's taken down with a guy with drillbits on his aft.
Fang doesn't like music - no, his art is fashion. He went on to start a very popular Decepticon body-shop - Fang's Pointy Bits For The Overcompensating. Macabre is his best customer.
Fangy don't allow no harpsichord in here, no, Fangy don't allow no ... Arrgh! Now it's stuck in my head! Stupid Fang.