Episode: The Secret of Omega Supreme
Trying to open a door. In about five seconds, the Robo-Smasher will jump on his head.

Episode: The Secret of Omega Supreme
Just because he looks like a little Scrapper plushie here. ;)

Episode: The Master Builders
Peeking over a cliff at Grapple and Hoist.

Episode: The Master Builders
Jumping down a canyon. As usual, note that the posing is dynamic rather than static.

Episode: The Master Builders
Doing the 'Getting The Heck Out Of The Way Of A Missile' dance.

Episode: The Master Builders
Waiting for an answer. It's a pain to get those clunky metal arms to cross properly.

Episode: The Master Builders
Scrapper from the back.

Episode: The Master Builders
Looking at blueprints with Grapple. Don't ask how Grapple's holding up his end with that hose-hand of his.

Episode: Triple Takeover
Part of a transform sequence, then calling Blitzwing.

Episode: Triple Takeover
Chatting to Blitzwing over his wrist.

Episode: Triple Takeover
Scrapper relaxes by building a chair out of his enemies. Yes, really.

Episode: Triple Takeover
Scrapper sits on a chair made of Autobots. We'd like a better shot, but Smokescreen was blowing smoke everywhere.

Episode: Heavy Metal War
Scrapper has a new toy.

Episode: Heavy Metal War
His face looks a bit weird, but we like how delicately he's holding the lever.

Episode: Heavy Metal War
A shot as he backs away from the Dinobots.

Episode: Heavy Metal War
Just a nice overhead of Scrapper's truck-mode.