Episode: The Spark
Ladies and gentlemen, Terrorsaur's boots. Wayward is an idiot.
Episode: The Spark
Terrorsaur landing.
Episode: The Spark
And here he is menacing Rhinox.
Episode: Power Surge
Landing, again.
Episode: Power Surge
Inspecting his fingers.
Episode: Power Surge
Getting powered up by the flying mountain.
Episode: Power Surge
It's Rocket Terry! Where is the fire coming from? The pterodactyl's mouth?
Episode: Power Surge
We don't know where he was keeping that gun. Also, he is not happy to see us.
Episode: Power Surge
Terrorsaur being a non-inspiring leader. Pretty, though.
Episode: Power Surge
Turning to look at Optimus Primal.
Episode: Power Surge
This is either just before or just after getting hit with a missile. We don't remember. In any case, Terry is peeved.
Episode: Possession
Hovering outside the Axalon.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Just finished transforming in preparation to steal a stasis pod.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Turning around to fly away.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Mostly we thought the colours were neat here.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Again with the colours.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Two seconds later, he gets headbutted and tossed away.
Episode: Victory
In which Terrorsaur is severely peeved at Megatron.
Episode: Power Surge
He might be a pretty robot, but he's one ugly bird.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
Ah, Double Jeopardy. The episode that answers the question, "Just how gullible is Terrorsaur?"
Episode: Double Jeopardy
That smile is good old-fashioned nightmare fuel. Yikes.
Episode: Double Jeopardy
And here he has stolen Megatron's chair.
Episode: Victory
Stuck in a small cave, Terrorsaur freaks out.